Revue d'éditeurReiBoot for Mac is a Security and Privacy appli for Mac devices developed by Windows. The latest version of ReiBoot for Mac is 7.1.1 compatible with system version Windows 10 and higher. The last mod was released on 30-juil.-2019 and is available directly on ReiBoot for Mac is the property and trademark from the developer Windows. Please note that we only provide the original and free package installation without any modifications. Check our "safe download" sign to get the latest report from McAfee to see if the ReiBoot for Mac download is completely secure.
ReiBoot is a free iPhone recovery service. Connect via a PC to fix common issues such as freezing, being stuck in recovery mode and more. Self service help
As anyone who has had issues with their iPhone before can testify, frozen and locked screens can often result in a reset and losing data or a long trip to the Apple store. ReiBoot aims to fix these common faults with a free and simple to navigate tool available for free download. The software automatically detects an iPhone when plugged into a PC and any problems it may have, suggesting fixes which can be applied with a single click. Faults such as continuous restarting, frozen screens and being stuck in headphone mode can be fixed within minutes without any technical knowledge or skill. This incredibly useful service can be a real lifesaver and deserves credit for saving countless iPhones, but many of the best features are behind a paywall. Only premium subscribers to ReiBoot can access safe downgrading, changing pass-codes and backing up of information. Despite this, the basic version is still powerful enough in emergency situations for most users. Advertisement sam.cmd.push(function() { sam.display('review-app-page-desktop'); }); Back to life
ReiBoot is powerful self-service iPhone recovery service which combines automatic fixes with simple operation.
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