VK: music, video, messenger APK 8.102
Dernière version: 8.102 |
VK: music, video, messenger is a Social appli for Android phones and tablets developed by VK.com. The latest APK version of VK: music, video, messenger is 8.102 compatible with Nexus, Sumsung Galaxy, LG, Huawei and Kindle Fire mobile phones and android devices having system version 6.0 and higher. The last mod was released on 23-oct.-2024 and has google play package name com.vkontakte.android. Please read the details about the appli below. Easy and fast VK: music, video, messenger APK download of the android version 8.102 is available directly on ApkGain.com. VK: music, video, messenger APK is the property and trademark from the developer VK.com. Please note that we only provide the original and free apk package installation without any modifications. Check our "safe download" sign to get the latest report from McAfee to see if the VK: music, video, messenger download is completely secure. Customers who installed and used this appli gave over 91600000 user ratings with an average rating 3,0 of 5 stars relating to VK: music, video, messenger. More than 100000000 people have used this appli by now. Join them now and download VK: music, video, messenger appli APK directly on our ApkGain.com play market!
VK unites tens of millions of people by offering unlimited features for communication, entertainment, business and sharing news from anywhere around the world. On the app, you can listen to music, watch videos and clips, keep track of your health, play games, and shop.2024-10-23
Nouveautés: Closing your eyes may make it dark, but fixing minor bugs in the app warms our
Revues: 5 stars: This is an update I have been user since a year. Pls update the
Nouveautés: We’ve cleaned things up, gotten rid of bugs and made things beautiful. Check it
Revues: 5 stars: This is an update I have been user since a year. Pls update the
Nouveautés: We’ve cleaned things up, gotten rid of bugs and made things beautiful. Check it
Revues: 5 stars: This is an update I have been user since a year. Pls update the
Nouveautés: We got rid of some bugs remaining from previous versions.
Revues: 5 stars: Very good app, I love art and nails so I found big community who shares
Nouveautés: We’ve fixed some bugs and made the app more stable.
Revues: 5 stars: I did not expect the program to be so wonderful as it combines all
Nouveautés: We did some technical maintenance and fixed some issues.
Revues: 5 stars: Far less restrictive than most American social media sites. online