Menu Button (No root) APK Téléchargeument gratuit Pour Android  ©  Jetpof Apps
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Menu Button (No root) APK 6.5


Dernière version: 6.5
Loi DADVSI (pour les propriétaires)

Téléchargez la dernière version de Menu Button (No root) appli de Tools Pour Android. Restores menu buttons that have disappeared from Android. No root required. You can regain the function of the application that the menu can no longer be displayed. The "Home, Back,... En savoir plus >

7068 votes, 4,3 stars

Menu Button (No root)   jettoast.menubutton   Détails des application

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Menu Button (No root)   Captures d'écran

Menu Button (No root)
Menu Button (No root)

Menu Button (No root)   Description

Revue d'éditeur

Menu Button (No root) is a Tools appli for Android phones and tablets developed by Jetpof Apps. The latest APK version of Menu Button (No root) is 6.5 compatible with Nexus, Sumsung Galaxy, LG, Huawei and Kindle Fire mobile phones and android devices having system version 4.2 and higher. The last mod was released on 21-oct.-2021 and has google play package name jettoast.menubutton. Please read the details about the appli below. Easy and fast Menu Button (No root) APK download of the android version 6.5 is available directly on Menu Button (No root) APK is the property and trademark from the developer Jetpof Apps. Please note that we only provide the original and free apk package installation without any modifications. Check our "safe download" sign to get the latest report from McAfee to see if the Menu Button (No root) download is completely secure. Customers who installed and used this appli gave over 7068 user ratings with an average rating 4,0 of 5 stars relating to Menu Button (No root). More than 1000000 people have used this appli by now. Join them now and download Menu Button (No root) appli APK directly on our play market!


Restores menu buttons that have disappeared from Android. No root required.
You can regain the function of the application that the menu can no longer be displayed.
The "Home, Back, Recently Used Apps" button is useful when a physical button breaks down.

🌟 Main functions
Show menu button
Registration of application to use
Customize the buttons to your liking
(Size, transparency, color, icon, position)

🌟 Features
Buttons can be added freely.
You can customize the behavior when tapping and holding down.

🌟 Other buttons
back button
Home button
Recently used app button
Power button
Volume up button
Volume down button
Mute button
Enter key button
Space bar button
Arrow key button
TAB key button
Page up button
Page down button

🌟 Remarks
This app adds a keyboard.
Due to technical issues, a keyboard is required to execute the menu keys.
Used to enter a key when the button is pressed.

This app uses Accessibility services.
The user settings will be reflected when the displayed application changes.
The following actions are taken when the user presses the overlay button:
(Home, back, recently used apps, power menu)

🌟 Link
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      Commentaires de la Dernière Version Menu Button (No root)

      Histoire des versions

    Menu Button (No root) 6.5

    Nouveautés: Menu Button (No root) apk bug fixes and app improvements. New download for Menu
    Revues: 5 stars: One of the BEST Multi-function Button apps around !!! I've been using

    Menu Button (No root) 6.4

    Nouveautés: Menu Button (No root) apk bug fixes and app improvements. New download for Menu
    Revues: 5 stars: One of the BEST Multi-function Button apps around !!! I've been using

    Menu Button (No root) 6.3

    Nouveautés: Menu Button (No root) apk bug fixes and app improvements. New download for Menu
    Revues: 5 stars: One of the BEST Multi-function Button apps around !!! I've been using

    Menu Button (No root) 6.2

    Nouveautés: Menu Button (No root) apk bug fixes and app improvements. New download for Menu
    Revues: 4 stars: Had an old app after phone upgrade that needed the missing menu button.

    Menu Button (No root) 6.1

    Nouveautés: Menu Button (No root) apk bug fixes and app improvements. New download for Menu
    Revues: 4 stars: So far so good, only you need to kickstart the app Everytime you

    Menu Button (No root) 6.0

    Nouveautés: Menu Button (No root) apk bug fixes and app improvements. New download for Menu
    Revues: 5 stars: Quick bug fix and works pretty fine now! Thank you!!! 4 stars: So far
