Editor's ReviewBrawlhalla is a Action game for Windows devices developed by Blue Mammoth Games. The latest version of Brawlhalla is 1 compatible with system version Windows XP and higher. The last mod was released on 08-авг-2017 and is available directly on ApkGain.com. Brawlhalla is the property and trademark from the developer Blue Mammoth Games. Please note that we only provide the original and free package installation without any modifications. Check our "safe download" sign to get the latest report from McAfee to see if the Brawlhalla download is completely secure.
Brawlhalla is a free to play online platform fighter. Brawlhalla Similar in style to the Super Smash Bros. games, players fight across small platforms with a variety of weapons. Fight after death
Brawlhalla is set in an everlasting world where the best heroes battle it out for dominance. Matches take place on a variety of stages with points earned for knocking opponents off the stage. Each hero has a different play style and can pick up weapons for additional ways to fight. The free game has an initially limited set of rotating heroes, which can be increased with either in-game gold purchases or with real money for Brawlhalla apk download transactions. Brawlhalla features a range of matches from casual to competitive. Play one on one versus an opponent of equal skill, fight with a friend in 2 v 2 matches, jump into massive 8 player free for alls or have fun with party games. The game has the huge advantage of avoiding all pay to win functions, making character progression more about player skill than anything else. The dedicated developer team actively works with the community to create regular free updates. Staying power
Brawlhalla is a great choice for a free online fighter. The dedication to inclusion and new content create a new experience every time.
Download and install free windows app file for Brawlhalla.