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PokEvolver - Pokemon Go Trainers Toolkit- evolution calculator, pokemon location MAP coordinates, gym battle simulator, IV calculator
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إذا لم يبدأ التحميل تلقائياً ثم تحميل الملف APK من يدوياً: رابط مباشر. إعلان حجب الإضافات قد لا تسمح لك بتنزيل الملف، لذا يرجى تعطيل لهم قبل تحميله.

How to install APK and XAPK (ZIP) packages:
If you only have APK file - just do the step 3.
XAPK is a ZIP archive of both APK file and OBB data file for big size games bigger than 100Mb. If you do not have xapk-installer you can do the following steps:

  • If you've got XAPK file - rename it to ZIP extention.
  • Unzip it to your hard drive. Now you should have APK and OBB files.
  • Copy and install APK file to your Android device.
  • Then copy the .obb file named 'com.gameXXXXXXXX.obb' into required location:
Note: Connect your android device to computer USB port using USB cable in order to transfer .apk and .obb files.